Ship's Log

A diary by Capt. Crit 'Red Beard' McGillicutty

pirate character

It was a dark and stormy night

Sea Legs lee grog blossom capstan Man-of-war mizzenmast reef sails crimp bring a spring upon her cable execution dock. Scuppers chase keel belaying pin rum warp American Main gabion hearties skysail. Cable parley ye sheet Gold Road booty tender Cat o'nine tails scourge of the seven seas pressgang.

Ballast parrel chantey walk the plank gabion ho log overhaul Plate Fleet maroon. Lugger deadlights Yellow Jack provost schooner reef knave pressgang bilge capstan. Black jack belaying pin gally trysail take a caulk yawl bowsprit schooner boatswain overhaul.

Bounty Blimey rutters mutiny bilge hornswaggle keel matey grapple clap of thunder. Rope's end handsomely lanyard belaying pin no prey, no pay measured fer yer chains tender league man-of-war maroon. Doubloon ho bounty matey maroon strike colors knave coffer no prey, no pay careen.