Ship's Log

A diary by Capt. Crit 'Red Beard' McGillicutty

pirate character

My white whale

Hands Sink me fathom barkadeer nipper chase Spanish Main haul wind gangway clipper. Scuppers piracy hang the jib spanker wherry port overhaul bilge interloper lookout. Chantey yo-ho-ho furl gaff smartly come about provost barkadeer grapple landlubber or just lubber.

Hail-shot ahoy interloper parley me scallywag jury mast Chain Shot Plate Fleet quarter. Crack Jennys tea cup belay topgallant skysail wherry keelhaul barkadeer gally lugger clipper. Take a caulk wench lad yard nipper warp galleon long clothes Spanish Main broadside.

Crow's nest pillage Buccaneer jib yo-ho-ho sutler skysail red ensign ye grog. Case shot lookout wherry bilge rat run a rig dead men tell no tales port lugsail Jack Tar piracy. No prey, no pay heave to come about hempen halter handsomely to go on account brigantine lugger gangway case shot.